20 Mar 2011

Day 13 - 50% of a wall

After almost two weeks there is a wall around the whole perimeter; this is the view of the back door towards Alex and Oren's house.

It was pretty hectic getting to this stage. When the constructor received the plans from the architect (his son) they weren't properly finished - it was important for us to start building as early in February as possible to make the most of the dry season and this meant that we didn't spend as long putting the finishing touches to the design as I would have liked.

In the end I don't think it was a problem - Caro and I were able to talk to William a lot and tell him what we wanted - the exact location of windows and doors, the height of windows and the location of the house on the plot of land were all decisions that we had to make in the first couple of weeks that should have been made before really. But I think things are turning out ok...

Of course it's been really important that we speak Spanish during this time. If we didn't then it would have been much more necessary to make sure the plans were as perfect as possible before putting any spades in the ground.

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