24 Sept 2011

Sheet metal, insulation and ceiling

Not the greatest photos these but time ran out a long time ago to worry about this; sheet metal on top of insulation on top of plasterboard type stuff.

I remember the builder telling me that the supplier sent him the wrong kind of insulating material the first time they came to deliver it. It held things up a little because a couple of the workers were left with less to do while he waited for the correct material to arrive.

Fundamentals like this are important to remember at the end of the construction when you start worrying about small details and getting frustrated that the project is not focussing enough on getting certain finishings exactly as you want them.

Having said that it is at the end of a project that it is hardest for workers to stay motivated so maybe tough love is what is called for to make sure everything happens to the level of finishing required.

Anyway, these photos were taken sort of 80%-90% through I would guess. The main work remaining is finishings inside the house.

The insulation you can see is much more for the noise than for keeping the house warm (or cold?). It can rain so heavily that without insulation the noise can be pretty distracting.

The gutters were purchased from and fitted by a separate company. They seem pretty functional. I have since seen gutters that have a kind of plastic netting over the top to stop leaves falling in them and clogging up drain pipes. It seems like an excellent idea to me; not sure why more houses aren't fitted with this.


  1. Thanks for creating the informative blog. Where do you purchase attic insulation in the southern zone? Thanks, John tje2tk@ymail.com

  2. I wish I could be more informative John. The contractor did all purchasing. He told me bought a lot at a hardware store just south of San Isidro del General in a town called Palmares. It's probably Ferreteria Palmares - here's the website with contact info: ferreteriapalmares.com
